Breville Juice Fountain Juicer Je95 Review

Interested in juicing your juice at home? Or you want to replace your current juicer? If your answer is yes in either of the two, then you are in the right place.

A juicer that functions well, doesn’t jam and gives you the best refreshing juice while still maintaining the natural color and taste is all I needed when I went on a mission to find the best juicer.

Meeting the Breville juice fountain juicer was the best thing ever to happen to me. This juicer is simply the best. With all its cool features and best of all doesn’t slow down and get stuck no matter what its juicing be it vegetable or fruit, soft or hard.

Breville juicer was a real investment when I bought it, no regrets so far it works perfect and might I add the appearance is great and will be a great addition to the kitchen.

Breville Juice Fountain Juicer Je95 reviewBreville Juice Fountain Juicer Je95 review


It’s engineered with ¾ horsepower motor providing 600 to 1000 watts output, impressive right? With this powerful motor it ensures that the juicing process is fast, in no time you will be having a glass of juice in a fraction of seconds.

This powerful motor juices the hardest vegetables and fruits easily. It saves you time in the morning, so you don’t have to go without your power breakfast.

Easy To Clean

A little confession I don’t like cleaning at all because cleaning tends to take a lot of time. Luckily the Breville juicer is very easy to clean and takes less time. Since it’s easy to disassemble all parts washing is a simple task.

The juicer can be washed with a dishwasher talk of making work easier. It also comes with a cleaning brush. The assembling and disassembling process is quite easy.

Extra Wide Feeding Chute

Most juicers usually require you to chop the fruits or vegetables into tiny pieces before feeding it in the chute but not this juicer. It comes with an extra-large chute which you can put a full apple in it, and it will juice with no problem.

This saves you preparation time. So no more chopping the fruits and vegetables in small pieces. More so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the juice because is top notch.


If you’re all about a juicer that will improve the appearance in the kitchen, then look no more the Breville juicer comes with a sleek design. This juice design is beautiful and works impeccably with no fail.

Nobody likes anything ugly which is why they will go for a beautiful design. With that in mind, it’s beyond doubt that the Breville juicer will be a great addition to your kitchen.


A warranty is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a juicer. The warranty offers a sense of security and shows that a product is reliable and durable.

The Breville juicer comes with a one year warranty which is the considerable amount of time for a warranty. This clearly shows the durability of the product and how reliable the brand is. To top it up the help and support is great.

>>> Click Here To See Specifications, Customer Reviews & Rating <<<


Extra-large feeding chute
Less noisy
Easy to clean


The machine splatters fruits and vegetable pieces all over

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it easy to clean
A: Yes; you can wash by hand and also dishwasher safe It takes less time to clean.

Q: Is the juicer 50/60 hertz or just 60 hertz
A: All Breville products sold in the US and are designed to operate on a standard dedicated US household circuit of 120v, 60Hz.

Q: replacement parts
A: I haven’t seen the need for replacements part since my Breville works just fine.

>>> See More Questions and Answers <<<

Final Verdict

This juicer is appropriate for those who love juicing and don’t have time, especially in the mornings. The features present in the juicer ensure that all the work is done easily. Washing is very easy and also the chute being large ensures that there is no preparation time.

This appliance is very easy to use, and anyone can use it easily. Operating it is very easy and the manual explains quite well how to operate this juicer.

This good juicer works without fail and very important is the price which is very affordable. Although it has some cons, it’s not a deal breaker, because when the good outweigh the bad then it’s a good brand.

Joe Carrow

Product reviewer & passionate blogger. Beside writing for this blog, I spend my time crafting research based contents for HuffingtonPost, Lifehacker & Forbes!

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